Wednesday 29 April 2015

Love Quotes

Love Quotes

Love Quotes

Love will make you hurt a few times before you find the right person. Keep trying and do not give up.

Women want to be loved without a reason, not because they are pretty, or good, or smart, but because they are them.

Love it: 10% appointment, 90% proof. 10% speech, 90% action. 10% feeling, 90% struggle.

Love gives a reason to smile and wonderful time to laugh, but sometimes love also provide never-forgotten memories.

Do not stop just because love never hurt, because there is no rainbow without rain, there is no true love without weeping.

Those who love you will probably not have the heart to hurt you. Therefore. Do not you hurt them by loving others.

Love Quotes Picture

Love Quotes
Love Quotes

Love Quotes Picture

Love Quotes Picture

Love Quotes Image

Love Quotes Image

Love Quotes

Love Quotes


Friday 17 April 2015

Home Minimalist

Home Minimalist

Home Minimalist would only contain a few essential parts of furniture. A living room, for example, may only have a sofa, chair or other love seat, coffee table, a minimalist entertainment stand (not great with a bunch of shelves), television, and some lights. It could even contain less (couch, chair and coffee table, for example). A bedroom might have a simple bed (or even just a mattress), cupboards, and may stand night or bookcase.

Home Minimalist

Home Minimalist
Home Minimalist

Home Minimalist design
Home Minimalist design

desain Rumah minimalis
Desain Rumah minimalis

Rumah minimalis
Rumah minimalis

Rumah minimalis hanya akan berisi bagian penting beberapa furnitur. Sebuah ruang tamu, misalnya, mungkin hanya memiliki sofa, kursi atau lain cinta kursi, meja kopi, hiburan minimalis berdiri (bukan yang besar dengan sekelompok rak), televisi, dan beberapa lampu. Bahkan bisa mengandung kurang (sofa, kursi, dan meja kopi, misalnya). Kamar tidur A mungkin memiliki tempat tidur sederhana (atau bahkan hanya kasur), lemari, dan mungkin berdiri malam atau rak buku.

Design Kitchen And Dining Room

Design Kitchen And Dining Room

Design Kitchen
Design Kitchen

Design Kitchen And Dining Room
Design Kitchen And Dining Room

Design Kitchen And Dining Room
Design Kitchen And Dining Room

This is where the mother would prepare and cook a wide variety of delicious dishes and ready to be served to all family members. A kitchen and dining room should always give priority to neatness, cleanliness and arrangement of kitchen space. In addition, its function is also maintained. Let us not allow an object that does not have a function that corresponds to the kitchen space.

Desain Dapur Dan Ruang Makan


Sebuah ruangan yang memiliki fungsi sangat penting di dalam rumah salah satunya adalah Dapur. Ruang dapur memiliki fungsi yang sangat penting, terutama bagi ibu yang kesehariannya tidak jauh dari ruang dapur ini. Karenanya, desain dapur dan ruang makan harus dibuat senyaman mungkin, dengan menerapkan fungsi-fungsi semua bagian dan peralatan dengan baik.

Disinilah para ibu akan mengolah dan memasak berbagai macam masakan yang lezat serta  siap disajikan untuk semua anggota keluarga. Sebuah dapur dan ruang makan harus selalu mengedepankan kerapian, kebersihan dan penataan ruang dapur. Selain itu, fungsinya juga terjaga. Jangan sampai kita membiarkan sebuah benda yang tidak memiliki fungsi  yang sesuai dengan ruang dapur tersebut.